护坡模具应贮存于常温干燥库中 |
添加时间:2022/5/25 14:57:51 浏览次数: |
护坡模具应贮存于常温干燥库中。堆码高度不得超过3.5 m,应避免重压或挤压堆放。 The slope protection mould shall be stored in the normal temperature drying warehouse. The stacking height shall not exceed 3.5m, and heavy pressure or extrusion stacking shall be avoided. 护坡模具不允许与有毒有害物质混放,应远离热源,在存放处应设置醒目的禁火标志。 The slope protection mould shall not be mixed with toxic and harmful substances, and shall be kept away from the heat source. Striking no fire signs shall be set at the storage place. 护坡模具制作工艺特性 Manufacturing process characteristics of slope protection mould 1.可锻性 1. Malleability 具有较低的热锻变形抗力,塑性好,锻造温度范围宽,锻裂冷裂及析出网状碳化物倾向低。 It has low hot forging deformation resistance, good plasticity, wide forging temperature range, low tendency of forging crack, cold crack and precipitation of network carbide. 2.退火工艺性 2. Annealing process 球化退火温度范围宽,退火硬度低且波动范围小,球化率高。 The spheroidizing annealing temperature range is wide, the annealing hardness is low and the fluctuation range is small, and the spheroidizing rate is high. 3.切削加工性 3. Machinability 切削保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 用量大,刀具损耗低,加工表面粗糙度低。 Large cutting parameters, low tool loss and low machining surface roughness. 4.氧化、脱碳敏感性 4. Oxidation and decarburization sensitivity 高温加热时抗氧化怀能好,脱碳速度慢,对加热介质不敏感,产生麻点倾向小。 The decarburization tendency is not good, and the decarburization speed is not sensitive to high temperature. |
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