标志桩模具主要作用 |
添加时间:2019/3/1 15:57:07 浏览次数: |
标志桩模具主要作用就是警示作用,防止施工人员挖断管道,所以每隔数十米或几米,就能看到一个直接插入地面的圆形标记。这些圆形标记虽然高出地面,但四周被设计成斜面状,而且位置比较合理,一般情况下不会对行人走路带来妨碍。因为这些圆形标记清晰而确切地标明地下管道的类别、走向等,再粗心的施工者也不会在如此鲜明的标记下乱挖乱掘,除非是故意破坏。 The main effect of the pile mould is sign of warning, to prevent the pipeline Waduan construction personnel, so every few meters or tens of meters, you can see a circular mark directly into the ground. Although these circular markers are high above the ground, they are designed to be slanting and have a reasonable location. Generally, they do not interfere with pedestrians' walking. Because these circular markings clearly and accurately indicate the category and trend of underground pipelines, then careless builders will not scrambling or digging under such distinctive signs unless they are deliberately destroyed |
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