标志桩模具生产工艺原理 |
添加时间:2017/12/6 17:02:30 浏览次数: |
★准备标志桩模具一个,震动平台一个,搅拌好的混凝土 ★将模具放置在平整的地面上,将混凝土灌入模具中,放在震动平台上震动片刻 ★放置在避光避光的地方养护 ★夏季钢模具12小时,每天能脱两次模;冬季放置24小时,每天脱一次模;塑料模具夏季24小时;冬季48小时即可。 ★待水泥凝固后,自然脱落即可 标志桩模具分类 根据材质分为:标志桩钢模具,标志桩塑料模具 根据区域划分:标志桩模子,标志桩模盒,标志桩钢模子,标志桩塑料模子,标志桩钢模盒,标志桩塑料模盒 标志桩模具/水泥标志桩特性 利用钣金钢生产标志桩模具,预制标志桩具有脱模快,抗压性,抗击性,寿命长,成本低,价格实惠等特点。 标志桩模具规格: 标志桩模具长度通产为1m1.5m宽度,高度可以随客户不同的要求进行定制
You ready to sign a pile mould, a vibration platform, capable of mixing concrete will be placed in the die in the formation of the ground, the concrete is poured into the mold, placed on the vibration platform vibration moment. Placed in the light dark place. In the summer of 12 hours of maintenance of steel mold, can die off two times every day for 24 hours a day; in the winter, and a plastic mold die; 24 hours in summer; winter 48 hours. * after the cement after solidification, the natural shedding can be classified according to the sign of pile mold material is divided into: Mark pile steel mould, plastic mould according to the sign post Division: sign pile mold, mark pile mould box, marking pile steel mold, plastic mold mark pile pile steel mould box, logo, logo signs pile mould plastic mould box pile based on the characteristics of sheet pile / cement mark steel production Mark pile mould, precast pile has marked fast demoulding, resistance, shock resistance, long service life, low cost, reasonable price etc.. Mark pile mold specification: Mark pile length of mould for 1m1.5m's width, height can vary with the different requirements of customers customized |
上一页 水泥标志桩模具是由于高生产效率要求而决定的 |
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